Pregnancy Massage


Indulge in a special bonding time with your unborn child through Pregnancy massage, a unique massage experience that allows you to unwind and focus on yourself before giving birth. With a supportive pillow for your head and under your tummy, and have you in a comfortable side-lying position to start. From there, your back, neck, and shoulders are massages before transitioning you to a semi-reclined position for the rest of the massage, where your neck, shoulders, head, arms, tummy, legs and feet are massaged.

Pregnancy massage offers an array of benefits, especially for those who experience new aches and pains as a result of their changing posture and increased weight. It’s a gentle way to soothe sore areas, improve your range of motion, and provide relief from discomfort. Additionally, pregnancy massage can help to relax your mind and body, improving your sleep quality.

As a specialised massage technique adapted specifically to pregnant women, Pregnancy massage differs from other massages. It’s important to note that the first trimester of pregnancy is a crucial time, and massage is generally not advised, especially if you have a history of miscarriages.