Traditional Gua Sha


Gua sha (loosely translated to “scraping of the red marks”) addresses stagnant energy, called Qi or Chi, aiming to break up and move this blocked energy. Gua sha is often used for cosmetic purposes (such as reducing scars, wrinkles and cellulite) as well as clinical purposes, it is great for anyone wanting to reduce inflammation and to help treat ailments that cause chronic pain (such as Arthritis and Fibromyalgia) or trigger muscle & joint pain/tension.

Gua sha is performed on oiled bare skin with special tools made of Jade, Horn or Ceramic, and starts with a mild pressure that is gradually increased to determine how much force you can handle. Gua sha squashes the soft tissues bringing stagnated blood and toxins to the surface (where the blood supply to the skin can carry it away more readily than if it were in the deeper layers), whilst also giving a deep tissue massage.

As a natural healing remedy, Gua sha is safe, but because it involves rubbing or scraping skin with a massage tool, capillaries near the surface of your skin may burst leading to skin marking – this normally disappears within a couple of days. When booking this treatment in, please specify whether you would like traditional, facial or cosmetic Gua sha.