Traditional Thai foot massage


Traditional Thai Foot Massage is still practiced in Thailand today and is a primary component to traditional Thai medicine. Using a combination of reflexology, acupressure points and massage using the thumbs, hands and wooden acupressure tool, the massage is applied to the lower legs and feet using rubbing, kneading, stretching and vibration techniques.

In a seated or supine position, your feet and lower legs are exposed, meaning that you can remain fully clothed during this massage. Much like the practice of Acupuncture and Acupressure the acupressure points are pressed & massaged, helping to relieve not only discomfort from muscular pain, but also treats energetic imbalance circulating through our body’s, ensuring correct functioning of the body and mind. Pressure points are thought to be areas of ‘energy lines’ or ‘Sen lines’. By focussing on these Sen lines, working on the reflex and pressure points on the feet, which correspond to various internal organs, through which energy, Prana, Chi and Ki flow. Blockages in these flows result in pain, illness or disease – by working along these lines blocked energy is released and functions balanced.

Traditional Thai Foot Massage is beneficial for anyone wanting to help stimulate their Lymphatic system (which helps reduce swelling and boosts the immune system), detoxify the body and speed regeneration of tissues and cells. This massage also reduces stiffness and improves flexibility in the feet and ankles.