Sports Massage

Sports Massage is designed to help reduce discomfort, speed up the healing process of injuries, or aid your performance before an event or workout.

This type of massage involves applying slow and firm pressure to reach deeper layers of the muscle and fascia, helping to penetrate and soften the hard, tight muscles. The techniques used in Sports Massage can also help to increase range of motion and flexibility, by increasing the length of the muscle and improving neuromuscular efficiency.

Sports Massage treatments are not just for athletes, but also suitable for anyone who works in physically demanding jobs, office workers, those who hold tension due to poor posture, or those who regularly exercise. It’s a common misconception that Sports Massage has to be painful, with the right skills, you can be assured that the treatment will not cause any discomfort.

I have a in-depth understanding of the anatomy of the body, its muscles, and the musculoskeletal system, which enables me to apply this knowledge to your treatments.